Sunday, February 25, 2007


I don't like it when the clocks move forward in the spring for daylight-saving time because I'd much rather it be bright in the mornings when I'm waking up. However, one good things about daylight-saving this year time is the fact that clocks are moving ahead on the first weekend of spring break. Hooray! None of this "lose an hour of sleep" deal during a school week. That's a good thing.

Square knots and summary judgment

It's weird when you're doing research and you come across opinions and law review articles by the judge/justices for whom you will be working for this summer. Just an observation.


This morning, I had a certain skirt I wanted to wear to church this morning. The skirt, however, has a sash that goes with it and ties in the front. This is all fine and dandy, except that I am not talented in creating knots and making things look pretty. I knew that I wanted to tie a square knot, but dang it, for the life of me, I can never remember how to do one of those things. I remember one time first year at Trinity, I called Mom and had her walk me through the process. It was impressive that she could do this over the phone. So anyway, I decide to look on the Internet to see how I can tie one of these knots because I'm 23 years old and I need to know how to do these things for myself. I tried and tried, but again, I'm not a visual person and not good at doing things with my hands, so websites describing the process weren't helping. Finally, I did a google video search for "how to tie a square knot" (without the quotations), clicked on the first video, played it several times, and somehow ended up with something that looked halfway decent. So, yay Internet. It helps me out a lot.


All right, back to researching the standard of review for summary judgments in Texas.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How to sum up my life lately? One word: procrastination

I am still having a little trouble getting into the swing of things this semester. It seems like I have one big event after another to think about, and this makes the times in between these big events weird. They're times when I don't want to work because I just worked hard on whatever I just finished and I don't yet feel motivated to start the next project. The result of this is that I haven't even started outlining this semester...which might not be that big of a deal, but I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed already at the thought of finals in May.

But other than that, I'm enjoying this semester outside of school. I've been able to get together with non-law school friends many times this semester and I think I've been seeing a lot more of my family. I've been home (in Sugar Land--is that where home is? I don't really know, but whatever) for extended periods of time the past two weekends and today I was able to walk over to my great aunt's house for a couple of hours. That's the stuff life is supposed to be about--friends and family. I guess I'm just trying to say that I'm having a hard time finding a balance...last semester was ALL LAW SCHOOL, and having a successful semester behind me makes it harder to focus this semester.

Some of my procrastination of this semester's work has been productive. Obviously, seeing friends and family is productive procrastination, if it could be considered procrastination at all. Monday, in lieu of getting actual work done, I did my taxes (I'm getting a pretty good amount of money back, yay!) and filled out my FAFSA. Yesterday, I took my car to get a crack in the windshield fixed because it was hit by a rock on Sunday.

Anyway. Spring Break starts two weeks from Friday. I don't have any set plans other than getting out and seeing various people, but do know that much of that week will be spent catching up on work I haven't been doing so far. Hooray! Maybe that time will be the kick in my seat that gets me going. All that stands between me and spring break (Anne would approve of this counting down method...) are 27 classes, an outline of part of my appellate brief, and oral arguments.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy birthday to me!

Well, my birthday was today (yesterday, by the time this posts), and it was definitely a good day. You know you're loved when 3 separate groups of people sing happy birthday to you at different points during the day. Kelsey made me a cake, and my family made an attempt to sing to me this afternoon (I'm counting it, though), Chrissy made me a cake and the young adult's group at St. Andrews Presbyterian sang to me this evening, and the San Antonio gang sang happy birthday to me on a phone message that I didn't get until later because I was with the St. Andrews people. Today, I also got fitted for a bridesmaid dress, got to play with my family's new(ish) puppy, had a good dinner at Olive Garden, got balloons from Melissa, and received many phone calls and messages from various people. So, thanks everyone. I feel very special.

I should go to bed so I can get up for church tomorrow and I don't hate myself when I have to buckle down and do homework. Bleck, homework.

Although, one more thing I'd like to add before I do head off to bed--I do know what I'm doing this summer now! For the first half of the summer, I will be working at the First Court of Appeals here in Houston, and then for the second half of the summer (summer is typically split around July 4) I will be working for a federal judge, also in Houston. Although there won't be much of a break, this will be a good experience and I will get class some credit. I'm a little scared at all the writing, research, and other lawyer-like activities these internships will entail, but I'm excited as well.