I don't quiiiiiite feel like pulling out the contracts books yet, so, here we are. I'm still alive and kicking, though it has been a while since I've updated. I did get that declaration (mentioned in the post below) all finished, signed, and notarized. Staci and I went to the post office together to mail it--I'm sure the post office workers thought we were crazy, with our comments of "Okay, we've signed our life away," and "Uh...wait...how exactly do you send something by certified mail?" Next step: being fingerprinted. Hmm, this will be my third time ever getting fingerprinted. You'd think I had quite a criminal history--but no, those were just for background checks for various internships. What stinks this time is I that have to pay $10 to get it done--the $190 we had to pay to file the declaration wasn't enough. Ha. I'm a poor law student with no income coming in! Have mercy!
Classes are going all right. They're nowhere near as stressful as they were at the beginning of the semester. So that's good. I just need to pick up the pace a little, b/c I need to start working more on outlines, and our legal writing/research class is going to start picking up steam with our big memo assignment. Eeeeek. But many have survived before me, so I figure I will too.
Random sidenote pertaining to class: in one of my classes, I've been designated the "reader." This means that whenever the professor wants something read out loud from the casebook or our rule book, he identifies the location and then looks at me, expecting me to read it. This is all fine, except every once in a while I don't hear what he says, and it gets a little sketchy while I try and figure out what he wants or ask him to repeat himself. And then there was today, when I thought he was calling on me to do a case, but he wasn't.... Awkward. Heh. It's situations like this where I feel like it's not fair that I can't hear perfectly normally, but you know. I do my best. In general, though, I can hear just about everything in my classes all right. Except for when I'm drifting off into my own little world because I've stopped paying attention. Perhaps I should work on that.
My apartment is in an interesting state right now. The living room is perfectly clean. It stays that way, since I don't spend much time in there--I just watch the occasional TV show or play pinao every once in a while. The kitchen is clean, except for the dishes that stay drying out on a towel after I've washed them (I don't have enough dishes to justify ever running the dishwasher. I should work on this). My bathroom stays clean as well, b/c messy bathroom = icky. But my room, where my desk is...that's another story. I'm not usually a bed maker, and there's always papers and books and other randomness spread out all around my desk. I do appreciate having the room to spread out, though, so I suppose I should take advantage of it!
And, to end--the other day, I went on to Chick-fil-a's
Million Nugget Giveaway, and won a free small nuggets tray! Hooray. Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets are the best.
Okay, contracts time. Yay!