I suppose it's about time for another update. I'm still alive and kicking. Had a birthday this past Friday, and it was a good day. Unfortunately for me (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it based on the fact that the weather turned cold on Friday), it was determined that I should have a birthday dunking on Tuesday. The pictures are courtesy of Melanie:

Most of the people that were there, minus Anne and Beth, who were kidnapping me from the library. As Dan says, these are "some awesome seniors."

See Mom? My friends are careful, and take out my hearing aids before throwing me in.
Going in (gently)...

Beth to the rescue with her towels 'cause I'm soaked and cold!

Katie E., the flamingo towel, and me
Lisa, Rebecca, and Mindy
Melanie's self portrait of herself and me. Yay for Melanie, for without her, I would not have been able to share these with you.
Then on Friday, Beth, Anne, and Katie B. took me out to Clay Casa, a place where I got to pick out a butterfly box to paint. We'll go back to pick it up sometime this week after it's been fired and glazed. The rest of that evening was actually spent watching TV, of all things. My birthday happened to be a good TV night. Beth and I watched the end of Arrested Development with some fun people, and were quite impressed. Then we came back and watched the end of the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics, despite the fact that our cable was being sketchy. Beth and Anne also had decorated some cookies and put candles in them and brought them out to sing happy birthday to me...which was very nice, until I had my first experience of catching my hair on fire (I'm fine. Once I realized why Anne and Beth were staring at me with looks of horror, I reached up and put it out. There was just a little tiny piece that burned). They also presented me with gift certificates to Chick-fil-a and New York and Company--are my friends awesome or what?
There's not too much else going on. Classes continue, and my procrastination tendencies get worse. Yesterday afternoon, Erin W., Katie E., Beth, and I went to the zoo instead of working, which was fun. And here I sit today, working on this entry instead of homework.
Oh yeah, our cable was fixed today, fortunately. The cable guy was there when Beth and I got home from church just before noon (he said he'd be there between noon and four). I think this was the first time I've ever seen a cable guy arrive to fix the cable early--and on a Sunday! I also was making bacon, offered him some, and he took it gladly. I found this funny too. So now I have yet another procrastination method: watching the Olympics! Wahoo.
Okay. I'm going to work now. Really. Or maybe I'll take a nap, then work...