Chairs, LARC, and Christmas
My desk chair, which has been on its way to being completely dead for a while, has just amazed me again. I leaned back in it a few minutes ago and heard something snap--a screw attaching the chair back to its bottom had broken. Amazingly enough, the chair itself is still holding together. Sort of. I can now lean back in it in such a way that I don't think the chair was designed for, though.
My LARC memo is finished and turned in! Too bad the next big thing coming up is the LARC test on Thursday. I guess it's time to actually learn Bluebook citation and read all those readings I've been supposed to be doing all along... In honor of the fact that the memo is done, I present to you what my living room looked like around 1:00 am Tuesday night (yeah, I know that means it was technically Wednesday morning. But you knew what I was saying, didn't you?).

I hereby announce that all stores already playing Christmas music are too early. At least wait until after Thanksgving. Come on. Yes, I know it's better for business if the holiday season starts earlier and people buy more, but couldn't we let Christmas retain some of its meaning and importance? It's just not as special if we've got full-out Christmas songs and advertisements going on for two whole months every year.
I think part of me is not ready for Christmas because I'm in denial about the fact that I have to take finals first. Gross. Heh. I am, of course, looking forward to December 15-January 15. A month off from law school! Hooray!
*boing* Will be in Houston around the 15th until a little after Christmas. We will meet and have fun!
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