Settling in, getting ready
It's been a busy but productive couple of days. I am now officially moved into my apartment. It is not completely set up yet, but I'm getting there. I often look around, and think "Wow, I'm really blessed to be able to live here and have all these things."
Yesterday, I took at trip to Super Wal-Mart to get things I needed for the apartment and today I went to get my hair cut and to buy books. I've been getting lost (well, not lost, I usually have some inkling of where I am) just about every time I venture more than 2 miles from my apartment. One day I will figure out how to get to and from the places I want to go without taking random detours that slow me down.
Question: why, when you go get a haircut, do they turn your chair around when they start to dry your hair? Are they giving away essential hairstyling secrets if I see what they're doing in the mirror? Just wondering.
I am happy to report that my books for this semester cost no more than an average to slightly expensive semester in undergrad would have. In fact, in the several years that I worked at Trinity's bookstore, I can think of many occasions when I rang up people's books to be several hundred dollars more than mine came out to be for this coming semester. I do miss that discount I used to get, though. That was certainly a nice perk to that job.
The plan for the rest of today is to work a little more on getting this place organized, and baking a chocolate cake. Because cake baking makes me happy:

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