Graduation Weekend
Maybe it's a good thing I won't be living in Florida for law school. I don't want to be attacked by an alligator while I'm studying.
This past weekend was graduation weekend. Friday started off with Mom, Dad, and Kelsey coming in. We ended up meeting at Fort Sam Houston so that I could get a new military ID card and thus have that all-important thing they call health insurance for nine more months (at which point I turn 23). However, because the wait there was so long, Dad and I ended up heading over to Randolph Air Force Base--about 20 minutes away--in an attempt to speed up the process. This worked--it appears that the Air Force is much more efficient than the Army. Then, that evening, we attended the baccalaureate service, which was short and sweet, and all of our families ate dinner in our apartment.

Alicia, me, Beth, and Anne with the cake during our dinner party.
Commencement itself was on Saturday. It was a nice ceremony, even if it was a bit long. Our entire apartment graduated with summa cum laude honors, although we weren't the only set of roommates to do so. I think that the nerds tend to find each other and stick together, in general. Ha.

After the ceremony: Anne, Beth, and me with our new diploma covers. (No diplomas in them yet; those will be mailed this summer).
Alicia, Anne, me, and Beth.
The family.
The reception afterward was also nice. Because graduation lasted a little longer than we were told it would, some people had to leave fairly quickly because of lunch reservations. We did get to see a few choice professors, and I talked to some friends during this time. The food was a little fancy for my taste, but that made the Cheesecake Factory taste all the better a few hours later.
Katie and me at the reception.
After graduation and the reception, Mom, Dad, and I moved a few things out of the apartment and into the van, since we only have about two weeks left before the lease is up. It's going to be hard to leave! Then we went for an early dinner to the Cheesecake Factory, which I think everyone enjoyed for the most part. I certainly enjoyed it, at the very least.
The night of graduation was, of course, filled with various parties. But some of my friends and I just had fun getting together and talking, then taking a fairly late-night trip to Starbucks. I'm going to miss these times, but am enjoying them while they last for sure.
Some of us at Starbucks, brought to you by the self-timing function on Beth's camera.
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