A spring break game night
Hey, this is the last picture post, then I'll be caught up for the most part! On the Friday that spring break started, lots of us that were staying that night were able to go to PF Chang's thanks to a very generous birthday gift card given to Lisa from her parents. After that, some people came over to our apartment for an impromptu game/Saved by the Bell night. And here are some of the pictures from Beth's camera:

Our end of the table: Lisa, me, and Anne
The rest of the table: Beth, Tina, Rebecca, Meghan, Erin, Leslie-Anne, Mindy, and Melanie
At our apartment, posing with Compatibility. Melanie and I (and Anne, when she joined in) came in last, but it was a close game!
And, finally, the seven of us watching Saved by the Bell. We're singing along with the theme song, which is why all of our mouths are open. Definitely another fun night. I'm going to miss being able to do this with these people...
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