Picture Post
Here are some pictures from the weekend and Beth's birthday. These include a game night at our apartment, going out Saturday night to celebrate Beth's birthday a little early, and then the Trinity tradition of dunking her in the fountain on Monday night.
First, a rather artistic rendering of the game we spent most of Friday night playing. It's called "Would you Rather," and has the tendency to spark some interesting conversation.
Beth, Katie E., and Mindy while playing the game. Katie's the one that taught us how to play poker before everyone got there...
Now for Saturday night. We took Beth out for mini-golf and ice cream. Here's Anne, Beth, Katie B., and Kaci while we're waiting for the next hole to become available. Anne thought I would notice her face and tell her to smile before taking the picture, but I didn't, so this is the result. Ha.

I'm attemting to make a shot, Kaci is looking on.

Katie trying to make the same shot, this time with Anne looking on.
Beth (the birthday girl) and her birthday cake ice cream cone after mini-golf.
Now we're to Monday night. Here's Beth on her way to the fountain. Doesn't she look excited? That's Erin W. clutching her right arm.
Kaci and Katie E. are excited at what's about to occur...
As we were walking Beth to the fountain, Dan and Jason came running up . Beth tried to escape, but to no avail! Here she is, being carried by Melanie, Anne, Jason, and Dan.
Beth, being thrown into the fountain by Dan, Jason, and Mark. The water looks kind of dirty, doesn't it? Poor Beth.
Lindy, Lisa, and Mindy
Kaci and Anne
Jason, Mark, Erin, Dan, and Katie E.
The aftermath: a very wet Beth.
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